Strategy highlights

  • Embedding environmental, social and governance (ESG) analysis to look beyond the financial statements
  • Investing in issuers that positively manage the material impacts of their operations and products on the environment and society, while actively omitting those involved in areas of high social cost, environmental degradation or violators of the UN Global Compact Principles
  • Seeks to achieve its objective with reduced volatility through security selection, asset-type flexibility and an emphasis on capital preservation

Our philosophy and process

Harnessing Newton’s global analysis resources, the strategy adheres to our investment framework focused on fundamentals, themes, valuations and ESG considerations.

We focus on innovative companies and dynamic management teams that provide solutions and benefit from growth opportunities. Active corporate engagement and proxy voting provide powerful feedback loops that make us more informed shareholders who promote positive corporate development.

The strategy is conviction-based, with no regional, sector or performance reference constraints. It has a simple structure, with a stable core of predominantly traditional return-seeking assets, and a layer of risk-offsetting positions which aim to dampen volatility and preserve capital.

Sustainable ‘red lines’, with responsible investment team validation, seek to ensure there is no investment in security issuers that:

  • Breach the UN Global Compact
  • Are incompatible with a 2˚C world
  • Are deemed to have material ESG risks which are likely to negatively affect future performance and are associated with significant social or environmental harm

The strategy seeks to avoid investing in companies that participate in specific areas of activity that we deem to be harmful from an environmental and/or social perspective.

Every time we consider a security or look at an industry or country, it’s in the context of what’s happening across the world. We believe the investment landscape is shaped over the long term by some key trends, and we use a range of global investment themes to capture these.

Investment team

Our Sustainable Real Return strategy is managed by an experienced team with a wide range of backgrounds. Our investment team of research analysts and portfolio managers works together across regions and sectors, helping to ensure that our investment process is highly flexible. Guided by our global investment themes, we seek to identify opportunities and risks through research and debate.

years’ average investment experience
years’ average time at Newton

Strategy profile


The strategy aims to achieve a rate of return in sterling terms that is equal to or above the return from cash (SONIA (30-day compounded)) +4% per annum over five years before fees. In doing so, it aims to achieve a positive return on a rolling three-year basis (meaning a period of three years, no matter which day you start on). However, capital is in fact at risk and there is no guarantee that this will be achieved over that, or any, time period.

Performance benchmark

SONIA (30-day compounded) +4%*


Expected to be between that of bonds and equities over the long term


* Please note that on 1 October 2021, the performance benchmark for this strategy changed from 1-month GBP LIBOR +4% to SONIA (30-day compounded) +4%.
RI report Sustainable real return

Responsible investment report

Stewardship activities (voting and engagement) for the last quarter and ESG metrics.

Your capital may be at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the original amount invested.

Newton will make investment decisions that are not based solely on ESG considerations. Other attributes of an investment may outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions. The way that ESG considerations are assessed and the assessment of their suitability for Newton’s sustainable strategies may vary depending on the asset class and strategy involved. For Newton’s sustainable strategies, ESG Quality Reviews are performed prior to investment for corporate investments (single name equity and fixed income securities).

Key investment risks

  • Performance aim risk: The performance aim is not a guarantee, may not be achieved and a capital loss may occur. Strategies which have a higher performance aim generally take more risk to achieve this and so have a greater potential for returns to vary significantly.
  • Currency risk: This strategy invests in international markets which means it is exposed to changes in currency rates which could affect the value of the strategy.
  • Derivatives risk: Derivatives are highly sensitive to changes in the value of the asset from which their value is derived. A small movement in the value of the underlying asset can cause a large movement in the value of the derivative. This can increase the sizes of losses and gains, causing the value of your investment to fluctuate. When using derivatives, the strategy can lose significantly more than the amount it has invested in derivatives.
  • Changes in interest rates & inflation risk: Investments in bonds/money market securities are affected by interest rates and inflation trends which may negatively affect the value of the strategy.
  • Credit ratings and unrated securities risk: Bonds with a low credit rating or unrated bonds have a greater risk of default. These investments may negatively affect the value of the strategy.
  • Credit risk: The issuer of a security held by the strategy may not pay income or repay capital to the strategy when due.
  • Emerging markets risk: Emerging Markets have additional risks due to less-developed market practices.
  • Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and/or the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (‘Stock Connect’) risk: The strategy may invest in China A shares through Stock Connect programmes. These may be subject to regulatory changes and quota limitations. An operational constraint such as a suspension in trading could negatively affect the strategy’s ability to achieve its investment objective.
  • CoCos risk: Contingent convertible securities (CoCos) convert from debt to equity when the issuer’s capital drops below a pre-defined level. This may result in the security converting into equities at a discounted share price, the value of the security being written down, temporarily or permanently, and/or coupon payments ceasing or being deferred.
  • Sustainable strategies risk: The strategy follows a sustainable investment approach, which may cause it to perform differently than strategies that have a similar objective but which do not integrate sustainable investment criteria when selecting securities. The strategy will not engage in stock lending activities and, therefore, may forego any additional returns that may be produced through such activities.
  • Investment in infrastructure companies risk: The value of investments in infrastructure companies may be negatively impacted by changes in the regulatory, economic or political environment in which they operate.
  • Counterparty risk: The insolvency of any institutions providing services such as custody of assets or acting as a counterparty to derivatives or other contractual arrangements, may expose the strategy to financial loss.