on ESG considerations
The driving force behind our approach to stewardship is prioritizing outcomes.
Engagement Summary
Central to our proposition is engagement with issuers through which we seek to reduce risk or unlock value in an investment. We set clear, outcome-focused objectives which can be evaluated over a suitable time horizon and can be linked back to a relevant investment thesis.
During the quarter, we engaged with 7 issuers on 14 objectives on environmental, social or governance considerations.
Voting Summary
During the quarter, we exercised our clients’ voting rights at a total of 248 shareholder meetings.
Across all regions, votes were instructed against management recommendations on 362 separate resolutions, which equated to 52.8% of the 248 meetings.
Voting Dashboard
Full details of how we voted including rationales.

took no action**

in favor of management***


against management*
* Voted against management recommendations on one or more resolutions, including abstentions and withhold votes where there was no option to vote against
** Took no action owing to share blocking or sanctions considerations
*** Voted in favor of management on all resolutions
Important Information
Any reference to a specific security, country or sector should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell investments in those securities, countries or sectors. Please note that portfolio holdings and positioning are subject to change without notice.
Newton manages a variety of investment strategies. How ESG considerations are assessed or integrated into Newton’s strategies depends on the asset classes and/or the particular strategy involved. ESG may not be considered for each individual investment and, where ESG is considered, other attributes of an investment may outweigh ESG considerations when making investment decisions. ESG considerations do not form part of the research process for Newton’s small cap and multi-asset solutions strategies.