Andy is co-head of the Real Return team. Together with Aron Pataki, Andy is responsible for the final capital allocation decisions on the strategy. Andy started his career at Mercury Asset Management in 1993 as a unit trust dealer before joining the quant and derivatives team to focus on managing synthetic portfolios for clients and trading equity derivatives for the firm. In 2006, Andy joined the multi-asset team at BlackRock where he was responsible for managing absolute and relative return mandates, as well as the head of research specialising in equity thematic views and risk premia strategies.
- Joined industry
- 1993
- Joined the Group
- 2018
Topics of expertise
Andy has an MSc in Finance from Leicester University and is a CFA1 charterholder.
Andy plays in a rock band in his spare time and enjoys playing, writing and recording music.
1 CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute.